NEW Video section each Week- “A week in the life…”

As a way of bearing witness to what God is doing in our lives during this time, look out for a new item each week on the Video Blog on Facebook.  Over the coming weeks we will hopefully gather a number of videos from a wide variety of members of the life of our churches as a witness to the Life of the Spirit amongst us as we emerge out of Lockdown.  Look out for these.


Daily Blog – 40 Days with the Holy Spirit – Sun 31st May till 16th July:

Authors | Baker Publishing Group

Starting tomorrow, the Monday after Pentecost the “Daily Blog” on the New Creation Facebook Page will change focus to explore “40 Days with the Holy Spirit” as a way into refreshing and renewing our relationship with the Holy Spirit and how He can be relevant in our world as we live out each day and as we look to the future.

Written by Jack Levison, himself a lecturer and writer on matters to do with the Holy Spirit for over thirty years, you may wish as well, or instead, to purchase the book for yourself and make it your own discipleship journey in the coming days.

You can obtain “40 Days with the Holy Spirit” from Amazon, Eden and also as an ebook via Kindle etc.  And you can access the “Daily Blog” either by accessing the New Creation Facebook page, or watch it later in this blog stream. (You do NOT need to have an account with Facebook to access any of this material.)

Live Stream this Sunday

Live Stream Church for Sunday: “Pentecost: praying for the coming of the Holy Spirit afresh and anew” – LIVE from the Prayer Garden in Congresbury – 10.30am

(Simply access the “New Creation Facebook Page” from Google: or via the New Creation website:

(You do NOT need to have an account with Facebook to access any of this material.)

This week we are going to be CELEBRATING the Gift of the Holy Spirit to the early Church two thousand years ago, and PRAYING for a renewing and refreshment of the Holy Spirit in these days, as we look to life beyond Lockdown.

The weather looks to be fine – so we will hopefully be outside in the Prayer Garden, behind the Refectory in Congresbury.

For the Service – you will need:

A Cake (or equivalent) – something to celebrate and share on the ‘birthday’ of the Church

A Light Bulb – of some description

And a towel – a hand towel or a bath towel – preferable something that is soft to touch

Look forward to seeing everyone on Sunday.

And afterwards, join us for our NEW ‘Virtual’ Coffee catch up.

Afterwards, why not join us for the second of our ‘virtual’ Coffee and catch up?  We shared the first of these last Sunday and it was lovely to see people, to hear their stories across our communities.

Live Stream 10.30am Sunday 24th May – Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done

This week we are going to be looking at the Lord’s Prayer, and also praying for God’s blessing upon our homes, our communities and upon the whole of Creation.

We are engaging in this as part of the Archbishop’s initiative called, “Thy Kingdom Come.”  ALL YOU WILL NEED for our Sunday “Live Stream” service, apart from yourselves, is a willingness to look again at the Lord’s Prayer and Prayer in general.

Afterwards, why not join us for a ‘virtual’ Coffee and a catch up?  We shared the first of these on Ascension Day, and it was lovely to see people, int heir own homes and across the communities.

So look forward to seeing you on Sunday.


To join the virtual coffee morning:-

From a computer – click here.

From a mobile device, you must first download the zoom app to your tablet or smart phone from the App Store or Google Play, it is free to download and simple to use. Then you can click the above link to enter the meeting room. Any problems – get in touch. 07871 513151