Annual All Souls’ Day Service – a Time of Remembering:

Each year we remember those how have gone before us, and particularly this year, it has an added poignancy both for those who have sadly lost loved ones during this time of the pandemic and also for those who have felt the loss of loved ones during this time from years past more acutely because of the Lockdown and isolation.

We are going to be holding two All Souls’ Day Services over the coming weeks:

For Banwell on the Sunday 25th October at 4.00pm

For Congresbury on Sunday 1st November also at 4.00pm

Anyone is very welcome to join us online as Kirsty and the Technology Team will be Livestreaming both services.  (As to how to do this Please see Kirsty’s instructions below)  PLEASE ALSO have a candle available to light at home as part of the service.

We also have space for a small number of people to attend physically, based on the usual Worship Guidelines for both Churches. But, PLEASE you will need to let us know, in advance that this is you wish.  You can do so via email, phone, or by dropping us a line (see details below).

If you would like your loved one’s name read out as part of the service, please can you let us know again by email, phone, or by dropping us a line.  Due to the service being online as well this year, we can only read out those names we have been given permission to read so WE NEED YOU to get in touch and let us know – doing so complies then with GDPR rules.

To get in touch re names, and/or wishing to attend in person, please contact:

  • for email – Lisa Stannard at
  • for phone – Congresbury Church Office (for both Banwell and Congresbury) on 01934 833126. PLEASE include the names you wish to have remembered, and leave ALSO YOUR name and phone number, and also which Church you are wishing to attend, so we can get back to you.
  • For written replies – Congresbury Church Office (for Banwell and Congresbury), Station Road, Congresbury, North Somerset BS49 5DX. Again, PLEASE include the names you wish to have remembered, and leave ALSO YOUR name and phone number, and also which Church you are wishing to attend, so we can get back to you.

 To join us online:

You can access the Services by watching LIVE via the “New Creation Facebook Page” : or catch up later via the New Creation website:  or New Creation YouTube Channel :

Please pass these details on to anyone you feel being part of such a service may be helpful.

Thank you.

Matt Thomson.

Church APCM’s

The Annual Parochial Church Meetings and Election of Churchwardens will be taking place over the coming weeks. These have been postponed from April due to the COVID restrictions.

Anyone may attend these meetings and all are very welcome, although the churches themselves are obviously subject to the same restrictions as church services, so we will be welcoming the majority of people via zoom.

Please see joining details below.

Banwell APCM

Friday 16th October 2020 at 7 PM

Please log on to zoom at 6:50pm for 7pm start.

To Join the Zoom Meeting – please click the link below

Meeting ID: 833 4293 3361


Congresbury APCM

Wednesday 21st October 2020 at 7:30 PM

Please log on to zoom at 7:20pm for a 7:30pm start

To Join the Zoom Meeting please click on the following link and, when prompted, enter the passcode.

Meeting ID: 850 2315 9350

Passcode: 796275


Special Harvest Service THIS SUNDAY 11th October

Join us this Sunday 11th October for a special joint Harvest Service at 10.30am.

We will be LIVE in both Churches, St. Andrew’s, Banwell and Congresbury with a video link between the two which will also be Live-streamed to our Facebook page and will be available to view here on the website afterwards.

This is the first time we’ve attempted anything like this so please do bear with us, but we hope to bring Harvest blessings to our physical and online communities.

We will be collecting donations of food, specifically long-life items e.g. rice/pasta/sauces as well as snacks crisps/biscuits and drinks tea/coffee for the Foodbank and Somewhere to Go.

Donations can be dropped off at either church either the days before the service (please note that the churches will be closed on Saturday for cleaning as per COVID regulations) or for the week following the Harvest service.