Rule of Life in Lockdown starts tomorrow at 7.30pm

*NEW* Tomorrow night (Wednesday 6th May) at 7.30pm why not join us for a new study session led by Howard – ‘Rule of life in Lockdown’ – looking at 1 Thessalonians.

To join in you need to download Chrome onto your computer. Download Google Chrome here: and then visit Howard’s Life Size room at 7.30 on Wednesday.

To further prepare, if you find time, please read 1 Thessalonians in advance and there are more resources available – just get in touch.

Hope to see some of you tomorrow.

Iona Trip 2021

Need something to look forward to? Why not plan something special for next Summer?!

Iona Abbey

Helen Jenkins (from St Andrew’s, Congresbury) some time ago put forward the idea of going back to Iona for a pilgrimage week.  We were fortunate to get a booking at Bishop’s House (the Church of Scotland Retreat House) at the end of August 2021 (once the midges have gone).  About half the places are now taken but we need to decide whether to open it up to more than just people from our Churches.  So why not take a look at the information and maybe think about coming along.  It promises to be a very special time and you’d be very welcome.  Matt.

Download the leaflet here to read all about it and there’s a place to register your interest, or just get in touch

Cameras at the ready….

What images are giving you hope during the lockdown?

Some of you have kindly sent in Pictures of Hope that have spoken to you as we have journeyed through this time together: this a picture of a Peacock Butterfly that came to join Matt for prayers in the Prayer Garden.

If you’d like to send in any similar pictures, we would love to put a “Photo Gallery” section together on the website.  All we need is a copy of the photo or picture – this can be emailed to Kirsty at plus a little explanation as to what it is and why it gives you hope.  We can then share these with one another. 

Painted Eggs for Easter
Easter Cross in Daisies

Live Stream this Sunday at 10.30am

“Jesus the Good Shepherd”

Thank you for all the comments about the Agape Service we shared last week.  For this week’s service you will need:

  • A Candle – for our Easter light
  • Something Woollen – a jumper, a scarf (or perhaps some item of clothing that you are especially fond of, like wearing, or just feel comfortable in)
  • Something Wooden – a piece of wood, or something made of wood – a kitchen spoon or spatula, whatever.
  • And a Glass of Water (a favourite drink) or something nice to eat.

Look forward to seeing you Sunday (3rd May) at 10.30am.

If you’ve not joined in before, its very simple and you DON’T need to be a Facebook user.  Go on the New Creation website, click “Church@Home” and then “Worship@Home” and there you’ll find a link  “Click Here” that takes you as a guest to the New Creation Facebook Page – scroll down to the “videos” section.  

If you would like help in maybe having a go at this for the first time, or if you have any technical difficulties, just send Kirsty an email on or phone 07871 513151.

Thanks. Matt

Rule of Life for Lockdown

A message from Howard:-

Call for People who want to Create A Rule of Life for Lockdown 

If anyone in New Creation Churches and further afield is interested in exploring how to create a Rule of Life amidst the restrictions of Lockdown, please join me in weekly conversation over the period of weeks before restrictions are lifted.

Matt and I (and the PCCs) wish to offer a virtual home group online that starts with Bible Study (looking at  1 Thessalonians when the early Church worked out how to live in a time of lock down and persecution), goes on to consider our daily living and then works towards establishing a Communal Rule of Life.

If this takes off, we will look at the insights of the Celtic saints and begin to build a Communal Rule (The Rule of St Congar?) that considers how we build habits of worship, service and mission. Who knows, we might emerge from lockdown with greater balance than before.

If this sounds something that you’d like to be a part of, it will mean prioritising an hour each week from 7.30-8.30pm. You will need a computer to get on line (for Zoom or LifeSize), a Bible and a desire to change.

The next question is the evening (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday). Please e-mail me on and I’ll gather interest and identify the best date. Ideally we’d start the week beginning 11 May (if this has wider traction).

Howard Worsley (07528 565 600) 28 April

Update on our Church Staff Team during this time:

As the Lockdown from the virus is likely to continue for some time, the Staff Team, the PCCs and I have come to the decision to adopt a new way of working for the month of May.

In order to take advantage of the Government Employee Scheme, Andrea, Lisa and Caz will come under the Furlough Scheme for the first three weeks of May (this has to be three consecutive weeks) and then will work from home for the last week in order to prepare resources and catch up with ongoing admin.  The Church Offices will therefore be closed during this time.

All other operations of Church Life and “Church@Home” will continue however, with Kirsty and myself working throughout.  Kirsty will be looking after the technology side of things and also Love Congresbury and Love Banwell, and I will be trying support the “Church@Home” ministry and the general Life of the Church.  This will enable as much of a reasonable saving as possible to Church finances at a time when our financial situation is looking somewhat strained, as it is for so many charities and small organisations.

So, during May:

For all phone messages to do with Church (Banwell or Congresbury) and for community based enquiries (Love Banwell, Love Congresbury or Foodbank) can you please phone the Vicarage on 01934 834945.

For emails to do with regular Church life, can you please send them to

For Community based enquiries (Love Banwell, Love Congresbury and Foodbank) and for technology issues for Church@Home, the website or following Church Services on Live Stream, can you please send them to

For Pastoral Care, for Church@Home (including issues to do with our Church@Home Groups),  support for Young People and families, for issues to do with funerals, and wedding and baptism enquiries please can you send them to me:

We will review things towards the end of May as to whether this is a pattern we will continue into June, as with everyone else we await Government announcements.  Can you please pray for all the Staff, the Wardens, the PCCs, the volunteers, and the Ministry Team during this time, as they have all worked so incredibly hard and have done more and beyond as we have sought to support Church Life, Church@Home, and in playing our part in supporting the wider community.

Thank you.  Matt  

Please be on the lookout

Have you seen any of these character?

Unfortunately in the early hours of Saturday morning person or persons unknown gained forcible entry into St. Andrew’s. Congresbury church and stole the box of donations for the Foodbank and a number of figures from the Nativity scene, which were in storage. They were caught on CCTV and the Police have been informed. If you see the figurines, which are of great sentimental value and therefore irreplaceable, please contact Matt on 01934 834945.

Missing characters are:-


Jesus and crib

A kneeling King

An ox

A donkey

An owl

There are also 7 small figurines from another nativity set missing.

We would like to thank people for their generosity in Foodbank donations to make up for the items that were taken, it is truly appreciated.