Catch up after the Ascension Day Live Service

Hi everyone. If you would like to join us for a post-Ascension Day Service Coffee and catch-up, please use the details below.

If you do not already have Zoom but would like to join, just visit and create a profile. Or if using a mobile device, download the Zoom app from the App store or Google Play.

To join the Zoom Meeting please click on the link below and follow the onscreen instructions.

Meeting ID: 214 838 8801

Password: 342103

Join us for a special Live Stream on Ascension Day

Join us for a SPECIAL “Live Stream” Service – Ascension Day (Thurs 21st May at 10.30am) – Live from Cadbury Hill, Congresbury:

Fort with a view © Neil Owen :: Geograph Britain and Ireland

The Ascension of Jesus into heaven, is one of those festivals of the Church that waned somewhat in more recent years.  That is until we started going up Cadbury Hill, first thing on Ascension Day morning – looking down over Congresbury and out to Banwell and praying for our communities, the Churches and breaking Bread together.  It probably had nothing to do with the Full Cooked English Breakfast and glass of bubbly that followed at “Heathers Coffee Shop” after.

So, this year, undeterred, we are going to share an Agape meal again together, as we did the First Sunday after Easter.  To celebrate an Agape on Ascension Day, you will need:

  • Some Bread – this can be an ordinary bread around the house, or you may want to make some, pitta bread, roll, loaf, gluten free – great activity to do with others.
  • Some grapes or fruit of some kind – whatever you have to hand.
  • A glass of your favourite drink or a cup of water.
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You may even want to organise some elevenses for afterwards.

Hope you can make it!  Matt

Update on Church Buildings opening:

You may have picked up from the Prime Minister’s announcement on Monday (11th May) that Places of Worship are being included in a phase of opening, scheduled for Sat 4th July.  Obviously, this is very tentative at present, and there will, no doubt, be lots of conditions and restrictions, but for many of you who love our two churches, something to aim for and look forward to.


Live Stream this Sunday

This week ALL YOU NEED for our Sunday “Live Stream” service, apart from yourselves, is a Bible.

If you don’t have one at home, or access to one on your phone, don’t worry.  Simply look up the following passage at  – that way you can print off a copy for each person from your household who is joining you.

This week we are going to be looking at Luke 24:36-53 as a simple Bible Study together. Its Luke’s account of the time between the first Easter evening and Ascension, and one that is often overlooked, which is a shame as it has much to offer us.

So look forward to seeing you, Bible in hand, this Sunday.


Live Service this Sunday

Party in the Wilderness

Live this Sunday 10th May at 10.30am

This Bank Holiday weekend is about a time of celebration – and hopefully you have found some way to share in this, from the most simple to the most grand.  Partying is important to God – heaven, after all, is described on more than one occasion in the Bible as a ‘wedding banquet.’

At the same time, we’re in the midst of Lockdown and therefore not able to celebrate with the freedom we would have wished.  But we look forward to a time when we can.  This theme of now, and not yet is also a very theme for the people of God through biblical history, characterised best perhaps in the great story of the “feeding of the Five Thousand.”

So, we’re going to have a ‘virtual’ “Picnic on a Hillside” this Sunday (10th May).  For this you will need:

  • A Candle – as always – for our Easter light
  • Something red, white and blue – could be bunting, could be a coloured in Poster (see the New Creation website or Facebook page), could be a scarf or Union Flag 
  • Some Flat or Unleavened Bread – could be Pitta Bread, a Cream Cracker, some Matzo, or Kirsty will kindly put up a recipe making your own Matzo Bread at home (very simple).
  • Some Fish (of fish substitute) – not everyone likes fish, especially at 10.30 in the morning – but try and think creatively what you might use as an alternative, veggie or otherwise.
  • Something to drink – Squash, Ribena, a glass of wine, or good old water.

Look forward to seeing you Sunday. Much Love, Matt.