Rule of Life in Lockdown starts tomorrow at 7.30pm

*NEW* Tomorrow night (Wednesday 6th May) at 7.30pm why not join us for a new study session led by Howard – ‘Rule of life in Lockdown’ – looking at 1 Thessalonians.

To join in you need to download Chrome onto your computer. Download Google Chrome here: and then visit Howard’s Life Size room at 7.30 on Wednesday.

To further prepare, if you find time, please read 1 Thessalonians in advance and there are more resources available – just get in touch.

Hope to see some of you tomorrow.

Live Stream for Sunday 3rd May

Click here to watch the live streamed service for Sunday 3rd May – the Fourth Sunday of Easter.

Links for accompanying music and videos.

Hymns, Songs, Readings and other links for 4th Sunday of Easter –

“Risen Jesus fulfils being the Good Shepherd”:

Bible Readings:

Acts 2:42-end

1Peter 2:19-end

John 10:1-10 (text actually carries through 11-30)


Hymns and Songs:

Hopefully, something for everyone…


  1. “The Lord’s my Shepherd” – traditional tune – Crimmond

Songs of Praise (quality of visuals not too good but great to listen to) –


Toby Davies – Liz’s Grandson’s message of Hope as Head Chorister to his Choir at St Pauls, and to us:

Modern Music:



  • “40 Days with Jesus” by Dave Smith (looks in daily detail at the Resurrection stories).   Can be got from Eden or Amazon websites, or on Amazon Kindle ebook Reader

Iona Trip 2021

Need something to look forward to? Why not plan something special for next Summer?!

Iona Abbey

Helen Jenkins (from St Andrew’s, Congresbury) some time ago put forward the idea of going back to Iona for a pilgrimage week.  We were fortunate to get a booking at Bishop’s House (the Church of Scotland Retreat House) at the end of August 2021 (once the midges have gone).  About half the places are now taken but we need to decide whether to open it up to more than just people from our Churches.  So why not take a look at the information and maybe think about coming along.  It promises to be a very special time and you’d be very welcome.  Matt.

Download the leaflet here to read all about it and there’s a place to register your interest, or just get in touch