Join us for a special Live Stream on Ascension Day

Join us for a SPECIAL “Live Stream” Service – Ascension Day (Thurs 21st May at 10.30am) – Live from Cadbury Hill, Congresbury:

Fort with a view © Neil Owen :: Geograph Britain and Ireland

The Ascension of Jesus into heaven, is one of those festivals of the Church that waned somewhat in more recent years.  That is until we started going up Cadbury Hill, first thing on Ascension Day morning – looking down over Congresbury and out to Banwell and praying for our communities, the Churches and breaking Bread together.  It probably had nothing to do with the Full Cooked English Breakfast and glass of bubbly that followed at “Heathers Coffee Shop” after.

So, this year, undeterred, we are going to share an Agape meal again together, as we did the First Sunday after Easter.  To celebrate an Agape on Ascension Day, you will need:

  • Some Bread – this can be an ordinary bread around the house, or you may want to make some, pitta bread, roll, loaf, gluten free – great activity to do with others.
  • Some grapes or fruit of some kind – whatever you have to hand.
  • A glass of your favourite drink or a cup of water.
St Andrews - A Church Near You

You may even want to organise some elevenses for afterwards.

Hope you can make it!  Matt

Live Stream for the Sixth Sunday of Easter

Click here to see the service that was streamed live on 17th May, the sixth Sunday after Easter.

Hymns, Songs, Readings and other links for 6th Sunday of Easter –

“Resurrection Hope” –

A Bible Study on the Importance of the Resurrection:

Bible Readings:

Luke’s Story of the First Easter – Luke 24:36-53

God’s Big Idea for the future of the world – Revelation 21:1-7 – Heaven coming to Earth – ‘the New Jerusalem’

Paul’s detailed understanding of what the Resurrection body looks like – 1Cor 15 – the whole chapter [although verses 42-49 are the key bit].

Set Readings for today:

Acts 17:22-31

1Peter 3:13-end

John 14:15-21.

Hymns and Songs:

Hopefully, something for everyone…


  1. “And can it be, that I should Gain” – Charles Wesley –


“Baba Yetu” – is a version of the Lord’s Prayer composed by Christopher Tin in Swahili – awesome

  • A version with English Subtitles:
  • My Favourite, because of the colour and vibrancy, is by the Stellenbosch University Choir (once such stronghold of Dutch Afrikans) – brilliant testimony to healing and God’s vision for the world –

Modern Music:


  • For a very personal take on what the resurrection means to him – see Tom Wright talking about the death of his father (its also one of the more accessible of his videos) –
  • And if you want to go more into depth – and really get to grips with some of his seminal work on the subject of Resurrection – see the Lecture at Baylers Truett Seminary ( 1hr 20 mins – well worth a watch) –
  1. Background – 8min Summary video on the most recent findings re the Turin Shroud/ Resurrection Cloth of Jesus – v interesting –


  1. “Surprised by Hope” – by Tom Wright – this is his popular version of his seminal exploration of Resurrection and its implications.
  1. “Resurrection of the Son of God” – N T Wright – this is the Big One (runs to 860 pages) – Tom Wright’s now classic analysis of the Resurrection accounts and what it means – “hard going but worth every moment.”


  1. “The Case for Christ” – very good true account of a sceptic Journalist – Lee Stobel looking into the events of the Resurrection because his wife becomes a Christian.  It changes his whole life.  Available on DVD, and also on Netflix and Amazon Prime.  Well worth a watch.

Update on Church Buildings opening:

You may have picked up from the Prime Minister’s announcement on Monday (11th May) that Places of Worship are being included in a phase of opening, scheduled for Sat 4th July.  Obviously, this is very tentative at present, and there will, no doubt, be lots of conditions and restrictions, but for many of you who love our two churches, something to aim for and look forward to.
