Live Stream Church for Sunday: “Continuing the story of being a new Church for a New Age – “the inspiration and ‘blueprint’ of Mark ch1” plus an AGAPE CELEBRATION – part of the journey of walking for 40 days with the Holy Spirit – 10.30am

Last week, we looked at the rich story that lies behind the image of Hope “the Tree of Jesse” offers us in Isaiah ch11 and 12.  This week, we are going to explore how Mark, in his opening chapter about the life and ministry of Jesus, Mark ch1, gives us both inspiration and a bit of a ‘blueprint’ as to what some of the key qualities a Church could include as we emerge from Lockdown.  This follows from the fact that two of our readings this week in our “Daily Blog,” looking at the life and work of the Holy Spirit, have also come from Mark ch1.


An Opportunity to “Share an AGAPE CELEBRATION together” as part of our Livestream Service.  All you will need is:

  • Some Bread – this can be an ordinary bread from around the house, or you may wish to make some; maybe some pitta bread, a bread roll, something gluten free? – This can be a great activity to do with others.
  • Some grapes or fruit of some kind – which can be for you ‘the Fruit of the Earth,’ whatever you have to hand.
  • And a glass of water or whatever is your favourite drink.

Look forward to seeing everyone on Sunday.

And afterwards, join us for the ‘Virtual’ Coffee Morning and catch up.  Afterwards, why not join us for the next of our ‘virtual’ Coffee and catch up?  See the “New Creation Facebook Page” for details of how to join.


Update on the opening of Church Buildings for Worship, Occasional Offices – Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals, as well as Personal Individual Private Prayer:

Following the announcement last week that “Places of Worship” could open for Public Worship as from the 4th July, this week Guidelines and further advice has been forthcoming from both the national Church and from the Bath and Wells Diocese.

We are looking at how we can implement these Guidelines in our two Church Buildings and what Risk Assessments etc might look like.  From these proposals will emerge and need to be discussed by the two PCCs.  Please bear with us and we hope to announce news of when Public Worship can begin and what it will look like just as soon as we can. 

Please continue to pray for the whole Church community at this time.  Thank you.

Matt Thomson